Increase the cost of stone production

Secretary of the Iranian Stone Association: When parts of mineral machinery become more expensive, the total price of stone will also increase; Therefore, increasing the price of mineral machinery is one of the important factors in increasing the price of building stone and thus increasing the price of housing.

Is there an incurable pain treatment ?!

In fact, it should be asked what was the reason for the Mehr housing project to be implemented in cities with a large population of Tehran ?! And why was such a plan not implemented in the cities and villages so that the residents of those areas would think of migrating from their homeland and start their own professional businesses in those areas.

Exhibition industry in post-Cretan

For these reasons, all exhibitors, from international associations and unions to domestic and non-governmental organizations, must, in addition to supporting the organizers and organizers of the exhibition, re-establish the spirit of the sick world economy as soon as possible.

Procurement of raw materials for production is the main priority of the Ministry of Industry

Acting Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade: Supplying the raw materials needed for production is one of the main priorities of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade.

Setting up a business window is transparent

Chairman of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce: The launch of the Single Business Starting Window will create transparency and health in the business environment, and I have repeatedly emphasized that capital and economic activities, if facilitated, will find their place, and we hope that this action can be effective. Be.

The only way to save the country's economy is to develop exports

Deputy Chairman of the Trade Facilitation and Import Management Commission of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce: Preventing the clearance of goods will increase overhead and overhead costs and ultimately to the detriment of the consumer. In order for domestic production to lead to exports, we must first prioritize production needs.

Reduce the country's bureaucracy

Chairman of Tehran Chamber of Commerce: We accept that the country's economy has problems such as threats and inability to sell oil, but we should know that this can be an opportunity for the country to focus on its capabilities, which requires one of those opportunities to be licensed, problems And reduce the bureaucracies that govern the country.

The registration of SMS applicants for the second stage of the National Housing Action in the Internet system has started

In correspondence with the General Directors of Roads and Urban Development of the provinces, the Deputy Minister of Housing and Construction of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development announced the process of completing the documents of those admitted to the first stage and completing the SMS registrations of the second stage.

Business licenses are reduced to three days

Minister of Economy: With the start of this single window, the license will be reduced from seventy-two days to three days. Obtaining a license for a long time averages seventy-two days for many traders and prevents investment.

Increase the cost of transporting goods to Qatar by up to two hundred percent

Chairman of the Iran-Qatar Joint Chamber of Commerce: Transportation costs have risen by up to 200 percent in terms of traffic for some items.

Imidro's 100 billion investment in mining

A tripartite memorandum of understanding was signed between the Organization for the Development and Renovation of Iran's Mining and Mining Industries (Imidro), the Deputy Minister of Mines, and the Geological Survey of Iran.

Detailed policy details of foreign exchange supply of production units

In the current situation, the management of foreign exchange needs has been designed by the Central Bank in such a way that the currency required for the supply of raw materials for production is provided from non-oil exports.

The missed clauses of the new Czech law

Under the central bank's law, it was supposed to launch an electronic check in December last year, a year after the new Czech law was announced, but the law has not yet been implemented.

Increase interaction with mining organizations

The ministry's policies must move in a direction that avoids the approval of the people of the hour. If a decision is to be made, it must be in consultation with various mining associations in order to achieve the desired results, not to add to the problems.

Fifty percent drop in Iran's exports to China

Chairman of the Iran-China Chamber of Commerce: The prices of commodity products, including copper and iron, have fallen due to the closure of production lines in the world. And if we pay attention to all these issues, we will see that in the first four months of the year, our exports to China fell by 50% and our imports from China due to severe damage to other import bases grew by 3.5% compared to the same period last year. Has had before.

Request of mining activists to facilitate exports

Head of Iran's Mining House: Today the country is in the circle of oppressive sanctions of the enemy and the Corona crisis has shown its negative effects since March, so in this situation, the expectation of professionals from the new management of the Ministry of Industry is to facilitate exports.

Fifty-three thousand worn-out trucks are being renovated

Minister of Roads and Urban Development: The aim of this project is to modernize fifty-three thousand worn-out trucks with new trucks within three years.

Elimination of barriers to production of the approach of the 11th parliament

People's Representative of Khoy and Chaypareh counties in the parliament: The approach of the parliament will be to remove the barriers to production because we believe that the country's prosperity in the field of production depends on the rule of law.

Employment of more than eight thousand people in Fars mines

Head of Fars Province Industrial Organization from the activity of six hundred and forty-three active mines with an investment of seven thousand two hundred and seventy five billion Rials and employment of eight thousand three hundred and thirty five people and reserves equivalent to three thousand three hundred and twenty six million tons in Fars province announced.

Manufacturers worry about central bank currency decisions

Although the central bank's foreign exchange decisions have regulated many of the processes in the foreign exchange market over the past year and a half, it has caused distrust to producers, importers and exporters.

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