Poster of the 14th exhibition

Poster of the 14th exhibition

Sponsoring form of the 15th exhibition

Sponsoring form of the 15th exhibition

Call form for advertising the book of the 15th exhibition

Call form for advertising the book of the 15th exhibition

Iran stone towards global market

Iran stone towards global market

The visit of the Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade and officials to the 13th Iran International Stone Exhibition, Mahalat

The Minister of Industry and Mining along with her colleagues attended the 13th exhibition and visited the achievements and products.

The presence of the ambassadors of the Czech Republic, Indonesia, South Africa, Bangladesh and the first secretary of the Tajik embassy at the opening of the 13th exhibition

The presence and speech of the ambassadors of the Czech Republic, Indonesia, South Africa, Bangladesh and the first secretary of the Tajik Embassy at the opening of the 13th Iran International Stone Exhibition, Mahlat/Neymur

Poster of the 14th exhibition

Poster of the 14th exhibition

1400 exhibition picture gallery

1400 exhibition picture gallery

The founder of modern stone cutting in Iran has died

The founder of modern stone cutting in Iran died at the age of 92 in Tehran.

The country's commercial environment needs news of global understanding

Chairman of the Iran-UAE Joint Chamber of Commerce: It is necessary to pay attention to the balance in the development of political relations, so that economic development occurs in all dimensions of the West and East and we do not have to spend more than the people, resulting in economic recession will not be. These are the expectations that come from the government and we hope that a rational policy will be adopted.

The role of sunglasses and golden signatures in the secret assignments of mines

The transfer of exploitation of 6,000 mines is not new; Government officials also acknowledge that the program has been implemented by the Ministry of Industry in various provinces over the past three decades, but the program these days is completely different from the past in terms of the extent of the transfer and even the change in the criteria for entering the auction.

More investment is needed in Kazerun mining industry

Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Industries of Fars Province Industry, Mining and Trade Organization: ‌ Considering the capacities and capabilities of Kazerun city, it is necessary to invest more in the development of mineral resources.

Types of building stones

Stones can be considered as the best materials for use in a unique building in every way because they are dense, strong and harmonious masses of one or more minerals and have a high color diversity that are naturally placed together and durable. And it has very high strength and durability.

96 industrial exploitation licenses were issued in Yazd

The head of the Industry, Mining and Trade Organization of Yazd province announced the issuance of 96 industrial exploitation licenses in Yazd province in the first quarter of this year.

There are 53 rich and active mines in Ilam province

Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs of Ilam Governorate: There are currently 53 rich and active mines in Ilam Province.

Count: 2993