The missed clauses of the new Czech law

The missed clauses of the new Czech law
  • 2020-05-30
  • .
Under the central bank's law, it was supposed to launch an electronic check in December last year, a year after the new Czech law was announced, but the law has not yet been implemented.

According to the International Stone Exhibition of Iran, after the implementation of the new Czech law in February 2016, the returned check, which had previously been unbridled in the country, was drastically reduced, and for the first time the ratio of the number of returned checks to total exchange checks It became a single digit and reached nine and seven percent, which was a record. This process is still ongoing, and the return check is much shorter than the same period before the new check was implemented. However, the law has not yet been fully implemented, and many important clauses, including electronic checks and case checks, have been overlooked.

Preventive measures The new Czech law reduced returned checks

In this regard, Mohammad Sadegh Amani, a banking expert, referring to the establishment and effectiveness of the new Czech law, said: The new Czech law was able to prevent the issuance of financial credit by issuing checks, not issuing checks if there is a returned check. Each bank will reduce the amount of returned checks from about two years to almost twenty days by using the fishing system and also reducing the trial time to cases of returned checks. This led to the return of lost credit as one of the most important instruments of financial exchange in the country's economy.

Lack of will in the central bank to complete the new Czech law

The bank expert added: "Although the implementation of the new check law has had a great effect on reducing the returned check and increasing its validity, the final trustees, including the central bank, are not determined enough to fully implement it." It seems that despite the availability of legal infrastructure, the only reason for the non-implementation of missed clauses, including electronic checks and case checks, is the lack of determination and will in the main trustee, the central bank. If the institutions in charge have the will to implement electronic checks and case checks, they can be implemented in a very short period of time.

About six months have passed since the one-year opportunity for the central bank to conduct electronic checks

Regarding the missed clauses, he said: "One of the missed clauses of the new Czech law is the note of Article 1 of this law, which is about the launch of electronic checks." According to this note, all the rules of paper checks regarding electronic checks are also valid and therefore there is no legal problem. According to the Central Bank's law, it was necessary to launch an electronic check within a year of the announcement of the new law in December 1397, which has not yet been implemented about six months after the legal opportunity.

He said that the implementation of electronic checks will have significant effects on reducing abuses, including reducing forgery and making it easy to access. It will also reduce the number of returned checks in the country.