The lack of liquidity opened the speculator to the stone industry

The lack of liquidity opened the speculator to the stone industry
  • 2015-09-13
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A member of the Mahalat Sangharpan Guild: Many miscreants came into our class these years and hit the miners. Of course, this could have been managed, but the results were shocking.

According to the International Stone Exhibition of Iran, a member of the Mahalatan Guilders Association described the state of Mahalat's stone industry as insolvent and said: "We had been warned a year ago that the stone guild was falling and if it did, it would be easy to compensate. will not be. It is not clear when we are going to accept reality.

He said: "My factory has been shut down since 2014. At least ten to fifteen people who were the breadwinners of many have lost their jobs.

Amir Amiri considered changing the architectural approach in Iran as another factor in the downturn in the stone market and said: "When you were looking at Tehran buildings, it was 100% facade of a stone building but in new buildings it is 20% facade stone and the rest is other facade materials. it was made.

He said there is no power to buy stone. On the other hand, architecture has gone from stone to other materials. It is very optimistic to think that something is going to happen and the stone industry is back to its original position. At present, if the problems are resolved, it will take at least a year and a half to make these changes in the stone industry. And the next half-year.

A member of the Sangbaran Guild of Miners said the miners' situation was critical and said the mines were also being closed. In our culture, the term bankruptcy is badly known, but we must accept the reality. I courageously say that I have gone bankrupt.

Amir Amiri considered the entry of speculators into the stone market as another reason for the bankruptcy of the stone traders and said that the lack of liquidity and expensive raw materials and price fluctuations caused the speculators to open up to the stone industry.

He said that the broker in the stone industry did not make sense. With the decline in the liquidity of the manufacturers, the dealers came in cash. They bought the stone in cash from the miner and sold it to factories at any cost they wanted. It used to be that the miner extracted the stone and then gave it to the factory owner and then processed the plant and paid the miner after selling the processed stone, but now the miner does not buy it.

He added: "During these years a lot of different people came into our class and hit the miners. This, of course, could have been managed, but the results were shocking.

A member of the Mahalat County Stone Association guides the fate of Mahalat's stone industry to the fate of the Azna and Oligodarz Chinese stone mines, saying: "I think the fate of the Maharashtra Travertine mines will become the fate of the Azna and Oligodarz Chinese stone mines.

Until fifteen years ago, he said, the Chinese stone of Azna and Oligodars sold high in the country's markets. Looking at the buildings older than fifteen years, you will find that they are all from Azna and Oligodarese. We had to take turns to get stones.

He added: Many factories were set up in the area but Travertine replaced the Chinese stone and there was a huge disaster for the Chinese stone factories and the Lorestan region. All the factories were closed and machinery was sold. We have the experience of the oligodores and I think the neighborhoods are going the same way.

Amir Amiri said: The new facades are a combination of stone with other materials and less than 20 percent of this composition is stone. In such a situation we should go for export but what percentage of our production units can export?

Asked whether the cooperatives could not be helpful in this situation, a member of the Maharashtra Association of Stoneblooders said: "We have experienced, cooperated or experienced, but these cooperatives have not been successful. Does not improve.

"Prescribing a drug to a dying patient is useless," he said. All of this works in a situation where the economic system has minimal health, economic security. The situation is getting worse day by day.

* City News