Providing investment platforms for mining

Providing investment platforms for mining
  • 2015-09-07
  • .
Minister of Industry, Mining and Commerce: Completion of open geological maps is being completed with exploration, and perhaps the maps that have been compiled over the past two years are equivalent to all maps produced in the past twenty years and require a lot of investment.

In an interview, Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh said in an interview: "We cannot have a behavior like $ 100,000 per capita, but we can try to double the return on capital."

According to him, we cannot tenfold the return on capital but it is a serious challenge to secure resources and we must source from within, but we also need to look outside the country and external resources to achieve the goals.

The Minister of Industry, Mining and Commerce said: "We are trying to develop industry operational plans based on this strategic plan based on a resilient economy. Instructions by the Supreme Leader to illustrate an economic future that is resistant to domestic and foreign shocks.

He pointed out that the main topic of the resisting economy is export development and Iranian exporters have been risky exporting for several years, not opening credit for them and exporting their goods with concern.

According to the Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade, there was a 19 percent growth in non-oil exports last year compared to 2013, but the overall figure is very small and we should be able to make the leap in exports.

He pointed to the need for export to be a competitive product and one to learn the mechanisms of foreign market presence and experience in those markets.

"The Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade is trying to encourage investors as much as possible by providing transparent information," Nematzadeh said regarding the ministry's mining policies.

"Now an investor can easily go to the site to see what the mines are in the area and fill out forms as well as virtual forms for investing if there is no land," he said. To register and get your answer and eventually go about your business.

Nematzadeh added: "Completion of open geological maps is being completed with exploration, and perhaps the maps that have been compiled over the past two years are equivalent to all the maps produced in the past twenty years, and a lot of investment needs to be made."