The declining trend of the exchange rate and the strengthening of the value of the national currency are important demands of the people

The declining trend of the exchange rate and the strengthening of the value of the national currency are important demands of the people
  • 2021-05-05
  • .
Governor of the Central Bank: The declining exchange rate and strengthening the value of the national currency is an important demand of the people, the possibility of lifting sanctions and freeing the resources of the central bank, create positive expectations in the foreign exchange market and reduce the exchange rate in this market is reasonable.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, Abdolnasser Hemmati added about the declining trend of the exchange rate: "These days, in some statements, efforts are being made by the Central Bank to adjust the exchange rate in order to strengthen the value of the national currency and respond to important demands of the people." Make it a political move.

Regarding the central bank's policy on foreign exchange market management, the governor stressed: "I have already said that the central bank should move away from irrational excitement and gradually adjust the market to the factors affecting the supply and demand of foreign exchange in the secondary market and increase its market power." The balance side will lead and manage.

Regarding some reports on banks' disruption of production, Hemmati added: "Banks are by no means separate from errors and problems." Examples are the actions of the Central Bank in organizing some of them and dealing with corruption and violations, and even exercising management and supervision over others.

He continued: "But the one-sided media focus on introducing banks as disruptive to production is far from fair and unrealistic." I will definitely report to the people at the right time about the performance of banks in the service of production.

The Governor of the Central Bank added: "I strongly urge my colleagues in the banking system, while trying to respond to the issues raised about their performance, to work vigorously, in carrying out the order of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, on the path of production leap and, as before, the necessary support From the growth of the country's production, in both sectors of goods and services.