Last year, the record of Iran Export Guarantee Fund was broken

Last year, the record of Iran Export Guarantee Fund was broken
  • 2021-04-27
  • .
The Export Guarantee Fund of Iran broke the record of commercial and political coverage in the country in spite of last year's slogan and in order to jump in production and export development last year, despite economic pressures and oppressive sanctions.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, last year, the Export Guarantee Fund of Iran, with a record of three billion five hundred and sixty-three million dollars, recorded the highest amount of coverage of political and commercial risks of exporters in the country during the past 50 years. Compared to the previous year, it shows a growth of 35%.

Prior to that, the record of export coverage of the Export Guarantee Fund of Iran was related to 2009, when about three billion and 200 million dollars of export coverage was provided.

Also, the export coverage ratio (the fund's share of non-oil exports) reached 10% in the first 12 months of last year, which is higher than the average of this index among Islamic and developing countries.

Last year, the Export Guarantee Fund of Iran paid $ 10.5 million in damages to exporters to facilitate their export process, and $ 7.3 million was the amount of damages recovered last year.

This year's operational plans of the Export Guarantee Fund of Iran, according to the slogan of production, support, removal of obstacles, focusing on empowering small and medium-sized exporters of companies, export management and helping new export capacity building, diversify services as best as possible. Offer to economic actors.

The Export Guarantee Fund of Iran, as the only export insurance and credit institution (ECA) in Iran, which is the counterpart of institutions such as Sache Italy, Hermes Germany and ChinaShinashour, plays an important role in the development of non-oil exports by issuing various types of insurance policies and credit guarantees.

At a time when many banking and insurance problems resulting from unfair US sanctions have had an adverse effect on the country's trade relations with foreign markets, the fund has made significant gains over the years of government, especially last year. Significantly, by designing alternative products, the presence of Iranian banks in foreign trade has been filled. However, this issue has been less covered by the media to avoid US sanctions, and only export activists have been informed about it.