Bankruptcy of 40% of construction materials mines

Bankruptcy of 40% of construction materials mines
  • 2020-10-11
  • .
Member of the Association of Manufacturers of Sand, Sand and Construction Materials of Iran: The recession formed due to the cessation of mass production of housing has led to widespread damage in the industry supplying construction materials and many of these units have gone bankrupt due to the severe recession.

According to the Iran International Stone Exhibition, Arash Allahvardi, a member of the Iranian Association of Sand, Sand and Construction Materials Producers, referring to the severe recession in the housing industry related to the housing sector over the past 7 years, said: It has led to widespread damage to the building materials supply industry, and many of these production units have gone bankrupt due to the severe recession.

A member of the Iranian Association of Manufacturers of Sand, Sand and Construction Materials, explaining the details of the damage to the country's construction materials production units, said: "About 40% of construction materials production units located in the cities have been closed and the rest work at minimum daily production capacity."

* Loss of employment due to the recession in the construction industry

He said that the officials of the former Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, by shutting down mass production of housing, signed the unemployment sentence of thousands of workers in construction material production units, said: "A person who is proud has not opened even one housing unit in Iran, can he?" Give an active response to the private sector and thousands of unemployed workers.

Citing an example of sand production units, the union official said: "Two active mines in the Isfahan region, which had created a total of 200 jobs, were closed due to lack of demand, and the director of the complex was imprisoned due to debt for equipment, and thus Arranging an employment potential in the country simply became a place of hope for the people.

* Construction materials depot is waiting for housing production to boom

Referring to the current situation of construction material producers in the country, Al-Lahordi said: "Many production units are operating at minimum capacity, and this will cause losses due to the increase in operating costs in the long run."

A member of the Iranian Association of Manufacturers of Sand, Sand and Construction Materials, while pointing to the production capacity of construction materials in the country, said: "Anyone who believes that the construction materials industry can not meet the housing needs in the country, look at the huge depots in processing plants and units Production of materials. At present, these depots and production units of the country have the capacity to meet the need to build more than 1 million residential units per year.

In the end, referring to the plan to jump in production and supply of housing in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, Allah Verdi said: "The private sector active in the field of supplying materials welcomes any project that promotes construction and consequently increases demand in the country's construction materials market." He does his best to make it happen.