Examining the provisions of the Housing Production and Supply Leap Plan

Examining the provisions of the Housing Production and Supply Leap Plan
  • 2020-09-28
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The spokesman of the Civil Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly announced the review of the issue of financing and providing lands for mass production of housing in today's meeting of the commission with the presence of members of the Guardian Council.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, Seyed Alborz Hosseini, in explaining the issues raised in today's Sunday session of the Civil Commission of the Majles, stated: Last week, the general plan of the production leap and housing supply was reviewed and approved in the open court of the Majles Referred to the Civil Commission for further investigation.

The spokesman of the Civil Commission of the Majles added: "In today's meeting of the commission, which was held in the presence of bank officials, the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development and members of the Guardian Council, some provisions of the production and housing leap were discussed." The issue was the provision of financial resources and land needed for mass production of housing.

Hosseini clarified: The members of the Guardian Council had concerns about the plan and stated that the resources provided for the implementation of the plan are not enough. Therefore, it was decided to review the documents and plans made in the next meeting of the commission in their presence.

He considered another issue raised in today's meeting of the Civil Commission of the Parliament, the issue of providing land for housing production and continued: Members of the Guardian Council believed that land could not be assigned to the people as government funds, which in today's meeting of the Commission Necessary explanations were provided in this regard.

Examining the details of the housing production leap plan in the open court of the parliament

The representative of Khodabandeh people in the Islamic Consultative Assembly stated: I hope that the review of the plan to jump in production and housing supply in the Civil Commission will be completed by Tuesday, so that this plan will be sent to the public as soon as possible for details.