Razm Hosseini has the ability to organize the Ministry of Industry

Razm Hosseini has the ability to organize the Ministry of Industry
  • 2020-09-28
  • .
Chairman of the House of Representatives of Kurdistan: Razm Hosseini The option proposed by the President for the post of Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade, according to the desired characteristics and performance, can improve the situation of the ministries that have been run for 10 months.

According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, Parviz Avsati stated: "The main expectation of the people from their representatives in the current situation is to pay special attention to the field of market management, disorder and high prices, and it is not appropriate for this big ministry to be run without a minister."

Noting that the government is in its final year of operation and that someone who takes responsibility in these difficult circumstances and with limited opportunities has made sacrifices, he added: "The proposed option has a successful managerial and executive record in the record."

"We raised the expectations of Kurdistan in a meeting with the Provincial Assembly with him," he said. "The view of the Provincial Assembly and most members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly on this option is positive. Of course, the tenure of this ministry depends on Razm Hosseini The parliament can also have a good defense of its plans.

Successful performance in managing the private sector and governorships of important provinces such as Kerman and Khorasan Razavi were among the other characteristics of Razm Hosseini, which the average person mentioned, considering the possibility of voting for this option in the open court of the parliament.

He noted that until there are no ministries, the deputies will not be able to follow up on the demands of their constituencies and have questions and warnings: "Currently, the deputies want to regulate the situation of the Ministry of Industry, but this does not mean approving any option."

The representative of the people of Qorveh and Dehgolan in the Islamic Consultative Assembly considered the first expectation of the representatives from the future Minister of Industry to be the rapid organization of the market and price fluctuations and emphasized: In the next step, the mines should be a suitable alternative to oil. Organize the rich capacities that we have in the country and use them for further development.

According to the report, President Hassan Rouhani nominated Alireza Razm Hosseini as the proposed Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade in a letter to the Islamic Consultative Assembly last Tuesday.

Razm Hosseini has been the governor of Khorasan Razavi and Kerman provinces in the government of prudence and hope. He has a history of managing several large companies, being a member of the board of directors of several production units and commercial activities in his record. In addition, Razm Hosseini is a member of the board of directors of several mining units and is fully acquainted with the affairs of industry, mining and trade.