Forty-four percent of Assadabad mines are closed
The director of Asadabad city's industry, mining and trade department announced that forty-four percent of the city's mines were closed and said: Asadabad has nine mines with exploitation licenses, of which forty-four percent of these mines are for reasons such as low grade, low reserves and Lack of economic efficiency are closed and stagnant.
According to the International Iranian Stone Exhibition, Rahim Ghorbani mentioned sand, silica and lime mines as among the closed mines and added: "Currently, eighty people are employed in the active mines of the city, of which ninety-five percent are local forces." It is a city and the owners of the mines pay their government salaries before extracting the mineral from the mines.
The director of Asadabad city industry, mining and trade department considered Omak-e-Olia, Pifanj, Buijin, Goldareh and Chenar mines as active mines of the city and continued: out of this number, three mines of Buijin, Pifanj and Goldareh have limestone carcass minerals that can be Consumption in the production of sand.
He specified: Chenar mine with iron ore (magnetite) for consumption in Kayhan Sanat and Qorveh company with thirty-four people and Omid Olya mine with iron ore (magnetite) in the drilling stage for stone extraction Iron has five staff members.