Committee to address the legal concerns of miners

Committee to address the legal concerns of miners
  • 2020-07-02
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Secretary of the Legal and Arbitration Committee of the Iran Mining House: But the Legal and Arbitration Committee, as the nineteenth committee, has been formed for about a month. The committee has a long history, and it can be said that its origins go back to all the mining activities in the country, which have been continuously involved in legal issues. From the very beginning of the formation of the committee, it was suggested that the committee play a supervisory role in relation to other committees.

According to the International Stone Exhibition of Iran, the newly established Legal and Arbitration Committee of the Iran Mining House, along with other committees of this complex, supports all the country's mining activists in resolving the country's legal, legal and judicial problems.

According to the members of this committee, the best way to resolve disputes in the field of mining is to refer to the Legal and Arbitration Committee. Because some mining activists face legal problems and do not know where to turn and how to seek advice, the committee has been identified as the fastest, least expensive, most professional, and safest way to resolve disputes. At the same time, the mentioned committee solves the service and problems of the mining sector in absentia.

Earlier, Mohammad Reza Bahraman said about one of the most important challenges of the mining sector: "One of the challenges of the mining sector is the lack of sufficient information about the laws, regulations and mining instructions in the country." In fact, one of the problems of today's mining sector is the existence of various directives and instructions in this area. Sometimes some directives violate the previous directive and confuse mining activists; Therefore, the existence of an arbitration committee in the mine house can open a suitable and accurate path for the country's activists.

In this regard, Samat newspaper spoke with Ruhollah Mirabi, secretary of the Legal and Arbitration Committee of the Iran Mining House, about the position of the Iran Mining House and the need to address the country's mineral issues from a legal and legal point of view.

What is the activity of the specialized committees of the Mining House?

The nineteen committees of the Mining House each have their own framework and look at issues from their responsibilities. Prior to the formation of the Legal and Arbitration Committee, the Mining House had eighteen committees that dealt with various issues in the mining, mining, international, student, and other fields. These committees examine mining issues from their own professional point of view, and are a kind of mining think tank that explores all the issues in the field of mining. Most of the meetings of these committees lead to some decisions in the field of government.

But the Legal and Arbitration Committee, as the Nineteenth Committee, has been formed for about a month. The committee has a long history, and it can be said that its origins go back to all the mining activities in the country, which have been continuously involved in legal issues. From the very beginning of the formation of the committee, it was suggested that the committee play a supervisory role in relation to other committees.

 We came up with the idea that because other committees do not have enough expertise in the legal field, their legal and legal issues should be considered professionally in the legal committee. If other committees do not achieve their goal, it is possible that they will provide us with vague points and questions to put on the agenda of the Legal Committee. Therefore, in the Legal Committee, we try to examine the ambiguities and issues that need legal redress by obtaining the opinion of experts in this field. I hope that in the future the scope of the committee's activities will be expanded to better examine the legal problems of mining activists and to put on the agenda the necessary solutions.

What is the significance of forming a legal committee?

The special importance of legal issues in mining and economic activity led us to form this committee. According to the decisions taken at the first meeting of the Legal Committee, the forthcoming meetings will be discussed in two parts: the root issues of mining rights and the important issues that affect mining activity on a daily basis. We are looking for it so that we can make the necessary decisions and do the necessary research in the field of mining and mining activities.

What is the benefit of this committee for the private sector?

According to the mission of the Mining House in helping the private sector in the field of mining in the country, legal and judicial issues in the country's mining activity have always been the subject of discussion among activists in this field. Considering the special attention of the head of Iran's Mining House to legal issues, we suggested that an independent and specialized legal unit be established in the Mining House last year to deal specifically with legal and legal issues related to the mining sector for the private sector and private sector activities. Make it clear and transparent in this way. This was the beginning of the formation of a committee along with the eighteen committees of the Mining House under the title of Legal and Arbitration Committee. Today, at the Mining House, we are trying to activate this committee, along with all the mechanisms that are active to address the legal issues and issues of mining in the country, to discuss all the ambiguities in the field of current issues and the roots of the mines and try to solve them. 

Give an example of the importance of forming this committee?

One of the issues in the field of mining is the implementation of Article 24 of the Mining Law, which is an amendment to 1390. The nature of Article 24 is that before a person wants to enter the mining business and before issuing an exploration license, he must inquire from the eight authorities specified in this article, such as the Environment Organization, Natural Resources, Ministry of Energy, etc., until when It wants to engage in exploration and extraction activities and no longer face opposition from the authorities.

In fact, the philosophy of Article 24 is to take the necessary inquiries so that if mining activity in that area is declared unimpeded, the person can obtain an exploration license and start working; But for now, one of the problems is that after the agency announces that the activity is unimpeded and the miner starts working with financial investment and a lot of time, the same device that had previously agreed to start working. , At the time of renewal of the license, illegally opposes the continued operation of the miner, or at the time of obtaining the initial inquiry does not express an opinion contrary to the explicit text of Article Twenty-four in relation to the whole area and only comments on a small part of the whole area.

Unfortunately, this problem is very widespread in mining activities and the topic of the day. We are currently examining this issue in the Legal Committee so that the agencies that have once agreed will no longer be able to oppose it, and their actions will be in conflict with the acquired rights of those who apply for mining and have gone through all the legal procedures.

These are important and, of course, trivial issues that, unfortunately, our miners are always in danger of, due to the lack of necessary attention to legal issues. Since the establishment of the Legal and Arbitration Committee of the Iran Mining House, we have sought to create a broader culture for mineral activists in the field of Article 24 and to propose solutions that will keep mining activists safe from legal problems. We hope to find a way to ensure the security of investment in the country for mining activists.

What is the difference between the Legal Committee and the Smeta Law Firm?

The committee is part of the Mining House and has no independent legal personality. The committee addresses fundamental issues and current issues in the country, and is a kind of think tank for mining activists; But Smeta is a private company that specializes in mining and industrial consulting and arbitration. In fact, Samta is an institution that legally deals with technical, industrial and commercial issues in the field of mining and advises Iranian and non-Iranian individuals; Therefore, any applicant who needs to receive counseling services in this field can benefit from the services of specialists and experienced people in this institution. According to the statute of this institute, legal issues are dealt with on a case-by-case and special basis; For example, if a company has a problem, it can refer to Smeta as the applicant. Since this institute is composed of experienced people in the field of mining, industrial and commercial activities of the country, it can take effective steps for the growth of the mining sector.