Introducing three hundred hectares of land for cultural housing

Introducing three hundred hectares of land for cultural housing
  • 2020-02-10
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The deputy director of housing and construction announced the introduction of some 300 hectares of land by the Ministry of Education for housing construction and said some of these lands have non-residential use.

Mahmoud Mahmoudzadeh, referring to the MoU, said: "The lands that the Ministry of Defense can import into this sector have been identified and some are still being identified in subsequent phases." The Ministry of Road is also ready to provide housing units as soon as the Ministry of Defense introduces the lands.

He also said that the Ministry of Education had a good cooperation in this regard and in the subject of a joint memorandum. About three hundred acres have been introduced by the Ministry of Education, some of which are non-residential.

He said: The lands proposed by the Ministry of Education have been sent to the Deputy of Urban Planning and Architecture to comment on their use. As soon as the landings are announced, the lands will enter the operational and operational phase.

The Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development continued: The Ministry of Education has registered all over the country and has sent names to the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, which are being monitored. Assessments are currently underway for Form C and are underway for two other systems, including the failure to use the Bank's housing purchase or housing facility and the marital condition, which will soon be completed. When completed, the joint activities of the two ministries will begin with the construction of one hundred and seventy thousand units of the subject matter of the Memorandum.

Mahmoodzadeh on understanding with the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare said: The first step with the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare is to announce the names of applicants and conscience of the ministry to the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development to control the names in this regard by city and Provincial needs and needs assessment.

He continued: To make a joint agreement with the Ministry of Cooperatives, work and social welfare of the Ministry with land and facilities to be evaluated with facilities and lands of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.

Concerning the cooperation with the Ministry of Housing Guidance, Mahmoudzadeh said: A draft Housing Agreement has been sent to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance but we have not yet received any results from that ministry. If the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance drafts a Memorandum of Understanding and submits it to the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, signature works and other things will be done based on the understanding.

* Tasnim