Banking is our first disadvantage

Banking is our first disadvantage
  • 2020-02-06
  • .
"Practicing resistance economy clauses can definitely help to get out of this situation," said one economic expert, stressing that self-sanctions hurt more than economic sanctions.

According to Iran's International Stone Exhibition, Ruhollah Abu Jafari responded to the question of how to strengthen the economy and neutralize sanctions? "Sanctions have hit the economy more than sanctions affect the economy," he said.

He stressed that sanctions do not hurt the economy as much as sanctions themselves, adding that the banking system should be resolved; the main weakness of the economy are banks that deal with numerous problems. The monetary and financial system is currently opposed to the goals of the resisting economy.

"Our economy has pores that crumble in the face of pressure and hardship," said the economist. Among these pores and seams is the distribution of surplus-value.

He said one of the problems of the Iranian economy is its dependence on oil and said: "The American economy is quite an oil economy and we must study and study the American experience and use this successful experience."

Abu Jafari further described the problem of the economy as a government and its income framework, expressing the experience of planning in Iran, adding: "The problems that were in the first budget plan of Iran exist now and have not been resolved yet."

He emphasized the need to organize public budgeting in the country. He also said that the challenges of the pension funds should be solved and that the business environment should be facilitated.

Pointing out that technology is another problem facing Iran's economy, the economist pointed out that the Iranian economy is not only production-oriented, but also counterproductive.

* Tasnim