Two and a half percent increase in mineral exploration certification

Two and a half percent increase in mineral exploration certification
  • 2020-01-07
  • .
In the eight months of this year, the number of mining licenses and licenses issued has increased compared to the same period last year.

According to the latest statistics released by the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Commerce, the number of operating licenses and discovery licenses in the mining sector increased three percent and two and a half percent, respectively, over the eight months of this year, according to the latest statistics released by the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade. Issued in this regard in the last eight months of last year.

In the eight months of this year, three hundred thirty-three licenses and two hundred and eighty-nine licenses have been issued, while the number of licenses issued during the same period last year was three hundred and thirty two hundred and two respectively. There were eighty-two cases.

Also in the last eight months of the year, five hundred and ninety-three exploration licenses have been issued, the number of which rose 15 percent to 154 in the same period this year.