Confiscation of industrial units game of double-barreled

Confiscation of industrial units game of double-barreled
  • 2019-12-04
  • .
"The banks should not have a firm because when a unit is confiscated, it is a losing game for the bank itself because the banking system is unable to set up industrial units," said Tehran's deputy head of small town industrial enterprises.

In an interview with Radio International on Iran's Stone Exhibition, Thirsty said in an interview with Radio about measures taken to halt industrial boom, stating: "Given the naming of the boom year of production, the Ministry of Health's policy is to revive units that, for some reason, are under capacity. Or stagnant. "

"The Industrial Estate Company is the trustee of the units and therefore has high aristocracy, and therefore the implementation of this policy has been left to the small enterprise," he continued.

"In the province of Tehran, we are taking action in the areas that lead to the recession, as many units have not been stagnant simply because of funding, and supply of raw materials and market bruises is one of the causes of this problem," Thashan Dell added.

Referring to the revival of industrial plants in Tehran, he said, "Our policy is to work with units that are less than capacity and we are trying to do this by complicating matters."

Thirsty, stating that the bank should have the most presence, added: "Units have found double trouble due to currency fluctuations and lack of liquidity."

The deputy minister of small industries in Tehran's industrial towns said that the banking system should enter the market based on a resistive economy. »

"There are fewer units in other provinces, and we even have a province that has about 600 units," said Thirsty, announcing that there are 5,700 units in industrial towns.

"Banks should not operate because when a unit is confiscated, it is a double loss for the bank itself because the banking system is unable to set up industrial units," he noted.