Increasing use of stone in Europe

Increasing use of stone in Europe
  • 2018-11-22
  • .
The countries that export most of the building stone to the European continent are Turkey, China, Italy, India, Brazil and Spain, respectively. Most of the stones exported to the European market are marble and granite.

According to the International Stone Exhibition of Iran, the construction market in European countries has been very high in recent years. This trend is more strongly observed in western and southern Europe. Construction companies, mostly located in northern European countries, have often struggled in recent years to raise prices and balance the construction industry on the continent.

Building stones are one of the most important natural elements used in these construction projects that have made a significant market in European countries. At the European level, the use of building stone is not an end and every year new options are being developed for existing construction projects in Europe.

The countries that export most of the building stone to the European continent are Turkey, China, Italy, India, Brazil and Spain, respectively. Most of the stones exported to the European market are marble and granite.