Exporting "Effective Stone Complex" to ten countries
Sangara Complex Sales Manager: We Need Strong Export Consortiums, Export Support and Attendance at International Exhibitions Should be Designed and Effectively Performed by the Government; No problem.
Mohammad Akbari, director of sales of Kara Kara Complex, said: "Kara Complex has been launching its branding activities for almost four years, but has forty years of experience in the stone industry. This collection belongs to the Pourhasani brothers who played an active role in launching the International Stone Exhibition of Iran.
He further said: Kara complex has travertine mines of Abbas Abad and Spa, Neyriz Shiraz marble, Crystal, Kashan marble, Royal and Khomein marble mine.
"Efficient products are exported to China, Turkey, India, Kazakhstan and most of the Persian Gulf countries," said the manager of the Kara Kara complex.
He added: "To increase exports, the government must develop a comprehensive plan that requires all institutions and organizations to cooperate with exporters and solve their problems." We do not currently know what the government plans to increase exports in the next year or six months and whether the government supports export growth in the coming years as well.
"We need strong export consortiums, export support and participation in international exhibitions must be done efficiently and effectively by the government, the government should enhance Iran's financial relations with other countries so that there is no problem in moving money," Akbari said. We also need to keep our business contracts and the quality of our stones in line with international standards.