Iran's stone exhibition has grown rapidly

Iran's stone exhibition has grown rapidly
  • 2018-07-24
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Head of Mines and Trade Organization of Markazi Province: Iran Stone International Exhibition is one of the most important international exhibitions. The exhibition has experienced remarkable growth in recent years and has become one of the most important exhibitions in the world in a very short time.

Mohammad Reza Hajipour, head of the Central Province Mining and Trade Organization, said in an exclusive interview with Iran Stone News Agency: Iran's International Stone Exhibition is one of the most important international exhibitions. The exhibition has experienced remarkable growth in recent years and has become one of the most important exhibitions in the world in a very short time.

He continued: The Central Province Mining and Trade Organization with the Ministry of Home Affairs will always support this exhibition. The future of this exhibition is a bright and very promising one. With its many capacities, this exhibition can become one of the most influential stone exhibitions in the world in the coming years.

He emphasized: Iranian rock is the best place in the world in terms of diversity and richness of mines and deserves to have the best place in the world with this name in Iran. This capacity is well seen in Iran's stone exhibition.

He continued: We are trying to create a table in the central province of Iran and at the stone exhibition in Iran. With the establishment of a Central Coast and Iranian Rock Exhibition, the issue of stone exports, which is one of our most important priorities, will be dealt with at a much faster rate, and we will certainly increase stone exports.

He added: "In order to increase the export of stone, we need to have our processing plants equipped with modern machines. The more we make use of the technology of the world today, the more quality stones we will produce and the more successful we will be at exporting.

Factors that want to keep their processing equipment up-to-date and use new processing technologies can sign up for an opt-in system and use the loans provided for this purpose, he said.