Stone waste processing, pure capacity in Mahallat city

Stone waste processing, pure capacity in Mahallat city
  • 2016-08-03
  • .
Decorative stones are an important part of the country's mining industry, which is known as the hub of its production in Iran, with sixty percent of the country's building stone produced in the mines.

According to the International Stone Exhibition of Iran, Mahalat has been named as the country of production of stone travertine with an annual production of 2.5m tonnes of stone and accounts for 12% of the world's travertine production. There are seventy travertine ore mines and two hundred and fifty stone processing plants in Mahallat County, and this capacity serves as an important part of the province's economic cycle.

What is particularly important about Mahalat City stone is strengthening its stone processing infrastructure, preventing crude sales and waste management from stone mining activities and should not allow these lean capacities in revenue generation and The added value goes off the floor.

One of the important issues that should be considered along with the production of ornamental stones in Mahallat city is the arrangement of stone waste that has been dispersed in the form of industrial waste into the city and has created visual and environmental problems. .

Along with stone production, Mahallat is known as the Roofing Flower of Iran and is one of the few tourism areas in Markazi province and it seems that the arrangement of industrial waste in stone should be a priority.

Construction and construction experts believe that rock carcasses can be used to enhance the environment, such as exterior and interior views of buildings, flooring and landscaping and street paving, and this precious treasure is now available. No use.

They believe that a principled, well-thought-out program can increase and accumulate stone waste, which now creates serious problems for mineral producers and pollutes the environment and creates optimal use in line with the patterns of resistance economics. In this area.

Stone waste is a capital that is easily separated from the stone industry and can be optimized for use in construction operations and branches of art, rather than being thrown away.

The head of the Department of Environmental Protection in Mahallat said: "The waste from scattered units that are dispersed in the environment constitutes the largest visual and environmental pollutant in the city."

Hamid Ebadi added: "At present, no general management is applied to waste scraps and producers only think about the finished product and its waste is scattered, leaving numerous biodegradable and biodegradable hazards in the region's core resources."

He said: More than 50% of the raw material of Mahaleh's stone quarrying units is converted into waste and waste, and ornamental miners are illegally dumping waste into forbidden sites and this challenge must be resolved as soon as possible.

He said: from the discharge of rock waste near residential areas, dust will be scattered, which will be suspended in the atmosphere finely, causing residents' respiratory diseases.

Abadi continued: The stone waste in Mahaleh is a travertine type stone with dust containing silica and these particles can reach the deeper parts of the lung and cause a disease called silicosis.

He continued: Stone powder from the production of rock, including a mixture of water and fine particles, is another remnant of the Mahalat city's waste that has partially destroyed natural pristine areas and is visible in the environment.

Ebadi added: "These powders of rock become thinner and thinner materials, which in turn provide them with the nature of the alkalinity of the soil and the adverse effects on plant growth and groundwater contamination."

He said: The powdered and powdered particles of rock are mixed with water to form a cementitious solution that eliminates soil fertility by collecting and discharging it into natural areas.

Ebadi added: In order to prevent the scattered dumping of scrap metal waste, three locations at the district level have been considered, including Khandeh, Nakhichevan and Nimvar.

Last year, he said, forty-two environmental warnings were issued to stone-throwing units that allowed waste to be dumped in unauthorized locations, and six offending stone-throwing units were reported to judicial authorities.

The head of the Mahalat County Guilders Guild confirmed that stone waste in ornamental processing plants is high, said waste, scrap, waste and stone waste when processing in these workshops is 15 percent higher than the global average.

Hossein Soroush added: According to the international standard, forty-five percent of the incoming stone per stone unit should be converted to carcass and waste during processing, which is 50 to 60 percent of the stone unit in the city.

He attributed the lack of up-to-date technology to some rock units for reasons such as sanctions, lack of liquidity and working capital as a result of high stone waste.

He said: Updating every stone production line requires more than one hundred and twenty billion riyals of capital, which is beyond the capacity of the city's current producers.

The head of the Mahalat Association of Stone Makers explained: Failure to pay the facility in the last few years or pay high interest rate facilities has eliminated the incentive to produce more and more quality stone quarrying units in the city.

The mayor of Mahallat said the stone dumps in the city are valuable national assets that could become an opportunity for added value.

Jalal Agarzazaei added: "One of the most important discussions in the field of stone industry is the proper use of waste in this industry. Be.

Many countries have achieved significant success by reinforcing sculpture and sculpture, turning unused stones into unnecessary and hassle-free environments, Agarzaei said.

He said: The municipality plans to hold a sculpture symposium next year with the participation of the private sector in the city.

The mayor said: "Based on this plan, we first call all sculptors to the secretariat of the symposium with their drawings and nominate a panel of twelve selected designs."

"Twelve people selected by the jury are invited to the district and receive the stones and supplies needed to carry out their projects within a month," said Aqarazai.

He said that national and religious values ​​as well as indigenous capacities are being considered in the selection and implementation of these projects. Establish an important artistic discipline as a new business.

He explained that the idea of ​​decorating the building with façade components is also one of the plans that the municipality will put in place as a priority.

The city of Mahalat in the south of the central province is about 155 kilometers from Arak, producing stone, ornamental fish and ornamental plants.